2023 began a significant endeavor to help our customers (and, in some cases, ourselves) see - in real time - exactly how varieties will perform in the real world outside of the perfect environment of a greenhouse. Our mission is to maximize the return on your plant purchases with the best product and cultural information available. With that in mind, we added about 1,000 square feet of “performance beds,” and chronicled the performance with a ridiculous amount of photos. The photos below are mostly the mature stage.
We have always stressed the importance of adequate water (but not too much!) and regular fertilization for flowering plants. Plants that need more water were irrigated automatically for 10 minutes every 3 days at planting, then increased to every 2 days during hot, dry weather. Plants known for drought tolerance were watered 1-2 days a week. Light fertilizer (half the label rate) was applied at nearly every watering. Large, potted containers were watered automatically every day, but volume was adjusted per pot as needed. If we received rain, water was turned off for a day or two.
More space is on tap for 2024, with more varieties, especially those that we know perform well, but many may not be familiar with. Everyone is welcome to stop by and see anytime, but we are planning for a dedicated mid-summer Customer Appreciation Day, where you can have a cool drink, see progress for yourself, and ask questions. Those details will be announced as the time draws near.
Perennials and annuals used in the performance beds